Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Global Village

Just had an amazing time at the Global Village. Got to see cultural clothing, food, music, and amazing games!!

Inspiration :D

What inspires you? That's the question I am asked every time we have a speaker come or we are in our global citizen groups. Listening to all the speakers throughout the week, it has been repeated iver and over again to use what you love to make a difference. Meeting new people from around the world, I genuinely feel lucky to be an American. That is because there is so much diversity that there is a little bit of culture, experience, and richness from around the world! Especially coming from Gar-Field High School from Virginia...I get a small world view..there is an abundant amount of diversity there..that I never appreciated it as much until today. As an IB student I get the rare oppertunity to learn to appreciate everyone from different religions, ethnicities, caste, creed etc with ease!!! Let's see what I learn later on in the conference!! :)